Schooling at home is called homeschooling. This is where children are educated at home, either by their parents, or by private tutors. Homeschooling has become popular these days especially with kids whose parents have a shifting job. This is more convenient, as shifting schools is not only a problem for the parents, but also it may disturb the child’s study cycle.
Why go for home schooling?
Many parents also believe that home schooling can provide their children a custom and complete education, which many believe is inaccessible in private or public schools. Home schooling is known to be the traditional method of teaching. Some parents also feel that along with education on various subjects, religious education is equally necessary. Most times it is not available in public schools. It may be available in private schools, but they may be too expensive for the family to afford, or faith taught in schools may be different from their family religion.
Know your child’s learning style:
The parents should see to it that their children are not debarred from any of the education available in schools. Try to study your child and observe his or her...