With credit cards dominating the market world today, even college students are already prospective clients of most credit card companies. This is because studies have revealed that most college students have difficulty in maintaining their expenses especially to those who are far way from home. That is why credit card nowadays had been a must-have for most college students.
Basically, college credit cards do not differ that much to ordinary credit cards. In fact, college credit cards are classified as secured credit cards because students do not have any credit history that will enable them to get a regular credit card.
But the fact remains them. Why would credit card companies be willing to provide college students with credit cards where in fact there is no basis where they can tell whether the student is capable of paying or not.
For two reasons, the credit card companies see a greater opportunity in them. One, survey shows that most college students remain loyal to their credit card company even after they have graduated from college and got have their work.
Second, reports show that college students are actually good customers. Most of them...