First, you need to be sure to form a team for your company.
In order to make a huge real estate flipping company you need to formulate a team. When I was looking into flipping a property I wanted do everything myself, and I found out real fast that I did not have the money nor the experience to be successful in this industry. So, I having a background in construction partnered up with my brother who work’s for a nationwide Real Estate company in the REO department and handles contracts all day, decided to work together on a flip. So, we develop our corporation with the help of a investor, and we were ready to go. Everything, works so much better with a team, a flip that would have took a single person months to do only takes us weeks.
Second, have contractors or handymen do the work. As a flipper you need to be out finding deals and working at getting the property sold. Hire out the labor portion of the job. This was the hardest lesson for me to learn. The first flip I work on took over 3 months because we did all the work our selves. After that, the lesson had been learned and we hired out all the labor on the second flip and everything was finished...