Houston Schools families who have children who are identified as gifted or talented academically face unique problems. The biggest one is ensuring that the child in question is being adequately challenged, without suffering burn-out. Im bored is one of those phrases that all parents hate hearing. I mean really hate. Its frustrating for a parent to be relied upon for entertaining and keeping the child busy, especially when that child is of school-age. By the time they are in 2nd or 3rd grade, kids should be able to find things to entertain and keep themselves occupied. The bright ones are no exception, and may be the ones doing the most complaining. Too often, kids who arent being challenged in school get themselves into trouble. Some see no point in even attending classes, are truant, or get into things they shouldnt. Keeping these Houston Public Schools kids busy and challenged is the best way to ensure that none of the situations mentioned above occur.
Houston Schools are working to make their centers of learning ones where the gifted and talented are continually challenged with unique magnet programs and rigorous standards.
Starting in the 07-08 school year,...