How 5 Simple Steps Will Grow Your Events & Functions Bigger And Better Each Time.
The key to successfully growing bigger and better events is to set up what’s called the Marketing Cycle. The first part of the cycle is to promote your event in whatever way you can, such as traditional advertising. The next step is critical. You must collect names and addresses & email addresses when people book. At this point you should confirm their booking, but importantly from your point of view, use it to ask them to tell others.
As the event draws closer, in order to create anticipation of the event you contact people prior to the event who have already booked to remind them of the event and again ask them to tell others. This next step is again critical. After the event you actively seek feedback. This must seek constructive feedback to help improve your events. You need to know what people are thinking, and pick on the issues you can improve on. The feedback must also seek to collect positive comments.
You now have completed one cycle. Marketing the next event (marketing cycle) gets easier. You use the database of contacts you already built up to...