A low credit rating or bad credit report can negatively affect virtually every aspect of your life. Whether you are consistently late on your mortgage or utility bills or you are over your limit on your credit cards, bad credit can make purchasing on credit virtually impossible, and it can limit your lifestyle in many different ways. Though over time you can recover from a bad report, there are still many aspects of your life that can suffer from poor financial management and low credit scores.
For instance, if you are planning to purchase a new or used car, it may be virtually impossible to secure a financing loan if you have a low credit report rating. Even if you can obtain a loan, you interest rate may be up to one hundred percent higher than it would if you had excellent credit. Rather than paying six or seven percent interest, you could end up with a fifteen or sixteen percent interest rate. Having bad credit can cost you thousands of dollars over the course of paying back your car loan. Not only will you not be able to get that new car you want, but you will also end up paying much more for the old car that you have to choose instead.
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