When asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, you probably didnt say a Cisco network engineer. In fact, unless you had a computer geek or an engineer in your family, you probably didnt say an engineer at all. Kids usually want to be things that they see as glamorous models of people who change their world: firefighters, athletes, and even teachers. But as you grow up and start to learn about the way that the world really works, you realize that these arent the only jobs that shape the world. You start to consider work thats both world-shaping and has duties that actually appeal to you. If you like computers, technology and problem solving, you might consider becoming a Cisco network engineer. And if you do, you might discover that your actions do help to improve the world around you.
The Cisco network engineer resolves computer problems for individuals and businesses that are using Cisco routers. This is a specialized practice but one that is more applicable to the world around you than you might think. Cisco is a brand name, which leads the industry in Internet networking. This means that if youve got computers networked together in a business of any size, theres a...