Antioxidants have been widely praised in the media. Many know they are linked with anti-aging properties. However this is not new, it all began with one mans theory a half a century ago about how free radicals were associated with aging, and science has been trying to catch up with it ever since.
As Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D., states in his 2001 book, The Wrinkle Cure: When it comes to aging, its not Father Time thats public enemy number 1. Its the very busy, very nasty little molecule called the free radical.
The Free Radical Theory of Aging was published by Denman Harman in 1956. He theorized that aging is a result of free radical damage of the cells of the body. This is also called oxidative stress.
Today, a great deal of experimental evidence supports the premise that length of life is determined by the crucial balance of antioxidants with free radicals in the body. Oxidative stress is being shown to be at the root of disease and aging.
One example is that the life of the fruit fly was up to 30% longer when it was genetically altered with an addition of enzymatic antioxidants. Not only that, but the altered fruit flies also showed a...