If you are new to the world of credit cards, then you need to know the basics before going ahead and choosing the right credit card. Although all the terms and companies offering cards can seem confusing at first, if you do your homework then learning the basics takes no time at all. Here are some hints and tips regarding the basics of using and finding a credit card:
Borrowing money
Credit cards are probably the most common way of borrowing money. Credit cards are available from so many different sources, both offline and online. There is a wide variety of different types available, and at first glance it can be very confusing. However, what you need to remember with all credit cards is that you are borrowing money, and that the credit is not free. Once you realise this then you will be in a better position to get a card that suits your needs.
Interest rates
Unless you intend to pay your credit card bill off in full each month, then you need to be aware of the interest rates of cards. The rate is calculated as APR, or Annual percentage rate. The typical rates right now are around 13-18%, depending on the company you choose. Lower interest rates are...