If you have suffered from constipation, you know how miserable it can be. You feel sluggish, tired, and depressed, not to mention the discomfort in your abdomen. Of course, laxatives abound on the market, but they offer a temporary solution at best. In addition, they can create a dependency. Enemas are unpleasant. Surely there is a better way to get your colon clean and keep it that way.
Adding insoluble fiber to the diet can help, but it basically only works to scrape out the material through the center of your clogged colon. It is not really a colon cleanser, because it does not clear out the old impacted fecal matter. It cannot really get your colon clean. It only helps to keep things moving.
Many people have as much as 15 or 20 pounds of old fecal matter impacted on the walls of the colon. Fortunately, there is a way to melt away this matter from the small and large intestines as well as the colon. A good quality oxygen based colon cleanser is one that consists of oxides and peroxides of magnesium that have been pressurized with oxygen. These chemical will release oxygen when they combine with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach.
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