How can I motivate my child to study and get good grades? To do his homework? To succeed in school, so that he can go to the best college? To go to college? To practice playing the piano? How can I motivate my child to put in the effort needed to achieve his own goals?
What parent does not want to see their child shine, succeed and achieve? What parent doesn’t want to see their child happy? We want to be proud of our child, enjoy his success.
I will never forget the day. My son participated in the science faire, and after winning the first place in the local science fair, was sent to participate in the California State Faire. In Los Angeles, thousands of children participated. Children and parents prepared for this events for a whole year, or even longer. Looking around me, I see teams bringing in their huge project boards. Excited parents accompanying their children, carrying their children’s projects. An atmosphere of excitement everywhere. I felt honored just to be there, observe my son participate.
After all the efforts that went into this event, now it was the time for the award ceremony. Many thousands of people – participants,...