Ensuring that your credit card is safe is probably one of the first things you need to learn when you first get a credit card for yourself. Making sure you have followed the guidelines given here will help you keep the credit card safe from misuse to a vast extent. Of course we have hackers who have risen above all these precautions, but we can try our best to keep some of these factors in place, so as to ensure a trouble free credit card usage. As they say, it is better to be safe rather than sorry.
One of the first things you can do when you receive your credit card is to sign your card. As soon as you receive it, sign on the space given at the back of the card. This is but a basic precaution to ensure that no one steals it and uses it before you can sign on it.
When you visit an ATM, ensure that no one is hanging about the place or peering above your shoulder. They could easily get your PIN and then there is nothing you can do. When you are punching in your PIN make sure no can follow your finger movements and thereby find out your PIN.
Always, always, take your receipt with you when you leave the ATM or shred it thoroughly before you leave it in the...