How Can You Tell Fake Cigars From The Real Cuban Cigars
Everyone knows that Cuban cigars are the most coveted cigars, renown worldwide for their smoothness and rich flavors. How do you tell if what you have is a fake or the real thing? First, make certain that you purchase your cigars from a legitimate dealer. Buying from your local tobacconist or a reputable mail order business can protect you from forking your money over for a box of fake cigars. Indeed, Cuban cigars are so prized that many illegitimate dealers have been known to sell fake Cubans to unsuspecting cigar smokers.
If you have an opportunity to purchase a box of purported Cuban cigars, but have your doubts, take the time to examine the box before purchasing it. A high quality cuban cigars will normally cost you between $18-25 US dollars. Here are a few tips to help you spot the fakes from the real Cuban stogie.
The most important thing to examine is the box. On the bottom of the box of cigars, you should find a heat stamp with the words ‘Habanos.’ The heat stamp should be impressed onto the bottom of the box. Fake Cuban cigar boxes often find other ways to imprint this label, such...