Many of you have heard the term ‘chronic fatigue’ I am sure. Far fewer of you probably know the technical, medical knowledge about the disease. While I could share with you page after page, hour after hour of information on chronic fatigue, I think it is more appropriate to share just how deeply chronic fatigue has affected my life.
I grew up just like many other kids. I loved to play outside until darkness came and I loved to push the limit with my parents every night about bedtime. As a child, there was nothing better than when my mom or dad took time away from their busy schedules to play with me and my siblings. I loved nothing more than when my dad’s car pulled into the driveway and he came around back to join us in whatever game we happened to be playing. I have year after year of great memories of afternoons and summer days spent playing with my dad. That was all before chronic fatigue happened of course.
I was in junior high when my dad first began showing symptoms of what would later be diagnosed as chronic fatigue. It was interesting because I remember that the sickness seemed to come upon him slowly and yet all at once. I remember that...