Unlike Methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction can actually ‘sneak up’ on the user over time. This may take a few weeks or months before a real problem begins to set in. And before the “casual user” even suspects there might be an addiction, the bank account is drained, the jewelry is gone, the credit cards are maxed out and the mortgage is three months behind. Even at this stage, the addict will strongly deny any addiction even when incarcerated. This is the truth about addiction that ultimately leaves your loved one to suffer.
Cocaine Addiction usually starts innocently as an experiment or as just going along with the crowd. For some people, cocaine use remains casual. But for many the ‘rush’ or sense of ‘euphoria’ is just too tantalizing and the casual cocaine user gradually becomes an addict without even realizing it, even after it totally rules their life. It is as though cocaine addiction has an inherent denial of itself. Even after being arrested, incarcerated and rehab, an addict often totally denies that there is any problem. This is the real problem of drug addiction: the complete denial that there...