As the cost of going to college continues to increase, many students make the mistake of taking on debt they can’t handle. They may choose to take out credit cards or student loans, and end up with a lifetime of bad credit. Most students in college don’t have the income to make payments on these loans, and it is easy to default on your payments in a situation like this.
Statistics show that many college students make the mistake of opening multiple accounts while they’re still in school. Some are under the false impression that once they graduate, a high paying job will be waiting for them which will allow them to pay off their debts in a reasonable time period. Many college students fail to realize that these jobs may be difficult to find after they graduate, and they will have to find work in order to make their loan payments immediately after graduation.
Many lending companies are also part of the problem. Banks and credit card companies rush to loan college students money, and many of these young people are inexperienced with handling their personal finances. By giving these young people loans, many lending companies are making the problems...