Millions of people struggle with credit card debt, barely able to make the minimum payments. they watch their credit card balances grow each monthlonger after theyve snipped their plastic and sworn off making additional chargesbecause what theyre really paying for is the interest. Theyre not making any dent into the principal (the actual amount charged for purchases), theyre just paying the credit card companies lending fees. Because of this, they can spend decades in debt with no hope of escape.
Except for debt consolidation. Debt consolidation allows you to transfer your debts into a lending arrangement with lower interest rates and easier terms. This means you are actually paying off your debt, rather than just keeping your creditor at bay. For many people, debt consolidation is the only venue for financial freedom.
However, when shopping around for a debt consolidation package, its important to look at the terms, and keep your calculator at hand. You want something that will help your financial, either by giving you easier terms (so that you dont skip payments and end up shouldering surcharges and late fees) or pushing down your interest rates. And for you to...