In certain cases, the amount of interest that an individual pays up front on their home loan or other form of mortgage is known as ‘points’ in relation to the mortgage. Since the interest of a mortgage is tax deductible up to a certain amount each year, individuals need to be aware of their points and how they can go about deducting points on their taxes in relation to their mortgage. Since this process of paying interest up front typically lowers the monthly amount of an individual’s mortgage payment, it is a popular format for paying of mortgages.
Unfortunately, for many people this process provides a more complicated tax deduction process when the individuals are not sure how to properly perform the deductions. While many people would initially believe that they would need to divide their total number of points by the thirty years, or amount of years for their mortgage which in this case is thirty (30), of the mortgage in order to deduct their points on their taxes, this is not the case and individuals need to make sure that they are aware of the actual practices and processes that need to occur in these instances.
Many individuals choose...