How Does A 21-Year Old College Dropout Become A Successful Businessman?
21 years old really isn’t a barometer in today’s modern America for business and wealth like it would be, say, 20 years ago. LeBron James, being the perfect example, cashed in 100 million dollars in endorsement deals before he even stepped onto NBA hardwood. But an ex-alcoholic who is jaded with public education and basically the laziest guy in the known universe, that being me, would not be worth as much in terms of value to, say, Nike, Adidas, and whoever else wants to throw millions of dollars at what the vast majority of people would consider a kid, like the 18 year old, at the time, LeBron James.
But this isn’t about King James. It isn’t even about me. It’s about a lifestyle that enables me to approach King James’ level of income. Not even playing with you. This lifestyle has made people one hundred thousand dollars. In one month. Millions of dollars a year. More than enough to not have to work in fast food to pay off student loans. More than enough to be totally and completely financially free, all without having to ever clock in, fill out online...