The method of podcasting is actually very simple. First, a podcaster (i.e. a podcast publisher) would create an audio content, usually in mp3 or mp4 format, and then have it uploaded to a server. The podcast is then published as a news feed in either RSS, XML or Atom format. The audience may then subscribe to a particular podcast they like using a news-feed aggregator, which in turn updates them whenever new episodes are released. The subscribers may then listen to or watch the podcast at their own convenience.
Whats good about it and why should it be used?
A lot of people see great potential in podcasting. First of all, it is fun to do. Many find podcasting as a new way of being creative. Being a new medium, that uses different types of media, people can now use various ways of disseminating information. No longer are people limited to typed text, they can now use their voice, their face, animation, or just about anything to tell people something. Now, instead of just writing about facts, you can now tell people things they want to know in ways that would keep them engrossed. It is a great means of self expression.
The format in which podcasts are...