There is a huge problem that exists today with the enormous number of people suffering from arthritis in its many forms. It is said that well over half the population of this country who are over 60 suffer from either osteo or rheumatoid arthritis.
What both forms of the disease actually are I will not go into here, as it is a long and complex subject. But, arthritis is a form of inflammation which mainstream medicine appears unable to address.
Both are caused by what I call bone and cartilage gravel, the bits of bone and cartilage which are left in the joints after the body has started to degenerate, rubbing in the joints each time it moves. This gravel rubs on the nerve ends, causing pain, whilst at the same time creating more damage as the gravel continues to rub away more of the bone and cartilage. In other words, a vicious circle that modern medicine cannot resolve.
But there are ways in the alternative remedy field that may, and I know of many cases that have, been able to break this circle.
I recommend that a daily Hemp Oil Capsule, or the liquid neat, which is quite tasty, and can be taken off a spoon, should be considered long term. Hemp Oil...