Weve all heard it, felt it, sensed it, experienced it and dealt with it in some way or another, its FEAR! You know False Evidence Appearing Real!! The question is, how are you going to handle it now and forever?
Getting out of your comfort zone for most is challenging, to say the least. Its been my experience that the missing element is psychological. Too many times Ive said to myself, I dont know HOW to do this and self sabotaged my brain into believing I could not do it. What Ive come to know is this; its not the how that is so important but rather the why behind it! Get a big enough WHY and the HOW will follow!
Its the old 80/20 rule 80% is psychology and the remaining 20% is the mechanics. We all tend to get what we HAVE to have. It boils down to what YOU believe YOU MUST do and chose to not settle for anything less!! Turning your shoulds into musts and making the decision to move forward in spite of the fear.
Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you truly want to get the edge, you will need to get over your fear. Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of whatever its okay to make a mistake, just make sure you learn from it and avoid...