How Initiation Into Spirituality Creates Magical Changes In Your Personal Growth
As a teacher of esoteric studies, I have the honor of conducting Initiations once or twice every year. This is an obscure and greatly misunderstood concept for most people. Plus modernization has gradually killed off many traditional rites of passage.
Some everyday Initiations you may already be familiar with:
Christening. Baptism. Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Induction into any institution. Your first day of school. University Matriculation Day. Graduation Day. The rigorous training of the armed forces. The first day of a new job. Joining the local Golf or Rugby Club. The Freemasons. American Fraternity Houses. The Mile High Club.
In a new job, the Initiation may be simply learning the ropes, being taught procedures, where to put your coffee mug and what time the in crowd work till. You usually get a special tome full of arcane laws and guidelines that no one really ever reads. There may even be a joining fee.
History shows that medicine, physics, chemistry, reading, mathematics, writing, astronomy and anatomy were all at one time occult secret arts. In the modern world,...