Using a credit card has become a very common way for a family to pay for the items it needs and wants. According to, a firm that tracks the credit industry, the typical American family of four carries about $8,100 in installment debtmost of it in credit cards. At 18% interest, that costs them nearly $1,500 a year or $125 a month they cant spend or save for anything else.
How many credit cards do you currently have?
Make a list of all of your bank cards, travel and entertainment cards, department store cards and gas cards. Are you surprised at how many you actually have?
Now list beside each one, who issued the credit card.
Now list your credit limit next to each credit card.
Now list your credit debt associated with each credit card.
Is your total debt more than 25% of your total credit line? If so, you are using your credit cards more than you should and getting more credit cards is not the answer.
Now list the annual fees associated with each credit card.
Next, list the interest rate next to each credit card.
Now, add up all of the...