This is a question that comes up a lot on sales calls and one that you want to handle with care. As I’ve stated in other posts, questions are always driven by thoughts and never happen by accident. There is always a “context” from which the questions come and your ability to understand the context will improve your odds in developing the right answer. When I suggest that we work to create the “right” answer I don’t mean that we are trying to fool anyone. Frequently, when we are addressing questions there are multiple answers and we just want to make sure that we have a higher likely hood of picking the right one.
In relation to price questions, it is always important to answer the question “in context”. So usually, in order to understand the “context” in which the question was asked you’ll need to ask more questions. Also, you’ll often find that the question “how much do you charge” is really not the real question. Starting a dialog with the prospect about what they want will move them away form price and get you better information. Using a “reflector” or reverse will help you...