Most people do not give much thought to how much the use of credit cards really costs. While you may think you are aware of the costs of credit, there are many hidden fees and charges that often go unnoticed by consumers until it is too late. If you do not keep a very close watch on your credit card fees, you could end up paying hundreds of dollars per years without evern realizing it. If you are trying to stay within a budget, hidden credit card fees can be a real drain on your finances.
Here are some of the most common types of credit card fees and what you can do to avoid them:
Your grace period may seem to be a period of time in which you can pay your bill past the due date without accruing additional interest of fees. While this may have been true in the past, credit card companies are making it more difficult to pay your bill late without any extra charges. In previos years, if you charged the maximum on your credit card but were able to pay your balance in full before the end of the grace period, it was like a loan extension that cost you no additional money. The majority of credit card comanies have reduced the grace period to less than 25 days and some...