How Not To Buy Stocks Do These And You Are Sure To Lose Money
If only I had read an article like this before I dived into the world of stock investing. I must say, three years ago I knew absolutely nothing about how to buy stocks. Of course, through that experience I learned several ways on how to buy stocks and lose money.
Buy stocks without doing research I joined a discount brokerage and went shopping for stocks right away. I had no clue what I was supposed to look for so I just picked random names I liked and bought a few shares here and there of each.
I must admit, I thought I was doing quite well. I mean, some of the stocks I picked ended up doing alright, but the majority of them when no where fast. So if you want to make sure you fail at buying stocks, skip the research.
Don’t Consider the Trading Fees Learning how to buy stocks the wrong way is easy when you don’t consider trading fees. I must admit, when I joined the discount brokerage I was really excited about their $4 trades. What I forgot to calculate was the math.
I was investing an average of $10 per stock when I bought them. Shelling out $4 for a $10 piece of...