One question that people have once they have a list whether that be past customers, newsletter subscribers, or leads is how often they should be contacting them.
Theres really no hard and fast answer to this question, but I can tell you that most people are so afraid of contacting their subscribers too often and annoying them that their err on the side of caution and dont contact their people often enough.
You need to remember that if youre not constantly reminding people that youre still there, that someone else will, and that person will likely forget about you.
For example, if youre not contacting your subscribers at least once a month, youre just not contacting your customers often enough. A lot of people think that contacting subscribers everyday is way too often, but there are certainly areas where it works. I am on a list right now where every weekday Im sent a short little email, and I read it everyday. However, these arent marketing and sales pitches, but rather little motivational blurbs theyre short and take me less than a minute to read.
A good rule of thumb that works for a lot of people is to contact your subscribers once every...