Any inventor should conduct a free patent search in order to determine the patentability of his or her invention. Patent searches have traditionally been limited to a search of the Patent Office’s records of prior patents and publications. The recognition of business method patents combined with the assistance of the Internet made it both necessary and possible for patent searches to evolve and become easier to do. Still, patent searches begin in the electronic databases of the various Patent Offices worldwide.
Inventors need not solicit the help of a professional to conduct a prior patent search. They can do the work themselves by searching for patent search Web sites online. For an inventor to be able to start his or her own patent search, he or she needs to first access the U.S. Patent Office Database at
A Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) is a library designated by the (PTO) to receive and house copies of US patents and patent and trademark materials, to make them available to the public, and to disseminate both patent and trademark information. A library must meet specific requirements and promise to...