How Poor In-house User Documents Cost You Twice & What To Do About It
Many organizations produce in-house tools or modify commercially-available tools for their own use. These tools should get documented so they are of use to others in the organization.
If this documentation is not created or is poorly written, it costs you twice:
* The first cost (attributed to any poor user document) is the cost of answering the Users’ questions (technical support).
* The second cost, arises from the lost time of your employees trying to understand the poor User Document.
Psychological costs also affect both the external and the in-house User.
This is the cost you incur whenever you produce poor (or no) User Documents. It arises for any User when he/she needs technical support. For external Users, the cost is your technical support staff, toll-free telephone lines, etc.
For internal Users the cost is the time spent by the developer or modifier of the tool to answer the questions of his/her fellow employee. This is an expensive technical support cost…these people are...