If you are considering using a prepaid credit card, it is important to understand the difference between it and other bank cards. In this article I will discuss the key differences between these cards.
When people begin using ATM cards in the 1970s, there weren’t many places they could use them. While credit cards were able to be used virtually anywhere, ATM cards could only be used at the machines. However, as time passed, more features begin to be made available to people with ATM cards.
People begin to be able to check their balances and transfer money between accounts. The debit card was soon introduced, and by the end of the 1980s merchants begin to accept them for point of sale transactions. To make these transactions, customers had to enter their private PIN.
As debit cards begin to be used more like credit cards, credit card companies were beginning to discover that they were losing customers. Many people didn’t have the credit necessary to use their cards, and had switched over to ATM and debit cards. The large credit card companies begin to work with the banks in introducing a new type of card onto the market.
This card has...