The odds are that you will receive at least 15 messages today in your e-mail that are spam. If you are one of the unlucky ones that number could soar to as high as 100. We are being drowned in a world of junk email otherwise known as spam. Our once pristine, organized e-mail box has run amok with messages promising everything from Get Rich Quick! to more devious forms of spam such as Your order has been placed with us. We will spend an average of at least 5 seconds per e-mail dealing with spam, which in a years time can add up to over 7 hours of lost time almost an entire working day. So how do we deal with the onslaught of spam and more importantly how can we protect ourselves and our family from getting tricked by those seeking to profit or steal our personal information by flooding our inboxes?
Unfortunately, there really is no simple solution to the spam problem. Internet service providers such as Earthlink, AOL and others spend millions of dollars each year trying to protect their subscribers mailboxes from spammers and phishers (a term used to refer to a particular form of spam email wherein the sender is trying to trick you into releasing personal...