“How many teachers do you think, if offered the the same opportunity to use their teaching gift,and yet had the potential of making two or three times what they do now, would leave their jobs?
Better yet, what if you or I broke into a staff meeting, and said, “Ok, anyone in here want to make two to three times what you are making, with a credible international company that will allow you to teach with some of the greatest teachers in the nation, and you can set your own hours, as long as you work twenty to thirty hours a week?”
How many teachers do you think would leave that staff meeting and go with you? I’d venture to say about 90% would, and the other ten would stay out of just plain fear or loyalty to their current boss or district.
Well, we offer just such an opportunity for all teachers! You have the opportunity to teach, instruct, lead, in front of small and large groups, and you will also have the opportunity to travel, the world if you choose, or we can use you in your city to teach as well! If there is one thing that teachers are most loyal too, it is their students!
Well, Success University, an international wealth...