How to Achieve Your Desires With a Goal Achievement System – Part 2
In part 1 of this article, I showed you how to properly set goals by being specific, giving yourself a deadline and making your goals positively oriented. I also showed you a technique where you actually visualize yourself after you’ve hit that goal and you imagine what it actually feels like. In part 2 of this article, I’m going to show you a step by step process to take that goal, and create a plan of action for achieving that goal. When you are creating this plan, remember this:
“You can’t reach the top of the mountain in a giant leap-but you can get there if you take the stairs.”
So in essence, what we are about to do is take your mountain of a goal, and break it down into individual obtainable steps. For the sake of this exercise, we are going to continue with the example we used in part 1, which involved losing 30 pounds in 10 weeks. Remember the goal that you wrote down? This is our end all final achievement. We will call this our mission statement. Here is what we came up with last time, and the one that you wrote should be posted in plain...