My belief is that we create our own destiny. The lives we have are the lives we have made for ourselves–good or bad.
My students in MAXpersuasion are either living the good life or on their way to it because as we expand our universes we get exactly what we want out of life.
I’ve been thinking about the concept of affluence lately–from principles to thoughts to action to the realization of it.
If you really want to realize your dreams, and I assume you do, then installing an affluent mindset and affluent thought processes will help you on this path. These are strategies of the world’s wealthiest people.
Why is Bill Gates wealthier than you?
More than a mindset, I’m talking about foundational principles and core strategies of wealth. This is a result of programming and teaching ourselves at the level of our other than conscious minds and it’s a phenomenal tool.
You most probably have a good sense of yourself and what you want in life. It’s possible that you’ve gained some insight from mapping out your universes–personal, business, private–and understanding your values and...