It really is dreadful when someone walks past you, or worse, stands next to you, and they are seemingly soaked in perfume. You dont want to be rude, but does their nose even work? It is so strong that what should be a seductive subtlety is an overwhelming and sickening scent.
If you are a woman who has had bad experiences with other women over doing it in the fragrance department, you have probably been turned off for life. But dont give up, your soft scent is waiting out there for only you to find. When people drench themselves in their favorite smell, it really can take over your personal space.
An example of this is when Mika was in hospital after giving birth to her first child. Of course everyone wants to be sure that there new born baby is in the cleanest, healthiest and freshest environment possible. The rooms are not exactly large and there were four other women who had new-bourns also. Mikas baby was only twelve hours old when a roommate decides to go to town with her cheap nasty perfume and spray it all over her cubicle. Of course, the rooms soon became a barrage of chocking women and Mika quickly took her baby out of their. She went to the midwife,...