If a person is attracted to a waitress and would like to ask her if she would like to go out on a date, be sure that the manager is not around. It is all up to the person on how he will approach the waitress. There are instances where the waitress can be busy on her work. Those persons that would want to date a waitress can find it hard to convince the girl because of the hectic schedule that a waitress has.
Asking the waitress out for a date can give the person a hard time. She may want to come but she might not have the time for dates. Here are some ways that can lessen the pressure in asking out the waitress out for a date:
1. A person can get the telephone number of the waitress. Ask for her home telephone number or get the restaurants number. The option of calling her first, than inviting her personally can be a good alternative in asking her out. Before leaving the restaurant be sure to ask her on what time she will be at home, this will give the person the idea on what is the perfect time to call the waitress.
2. The person may try to call the number given by the waitress. He must be sure that the waitress would be at her house before calling her....