Using a bank can really save you money, but there are also ways in which you lose a lot of money. If you are not proactive in recognising potential dangers and mistakes, then you could be caught out. Here are some of the most common personal banking mistakes and how to avoid them.
Not reviewing your statements
Many people get their statement each month, open it and then throw it away. If you don’t look at your statements properly then you will not see mistakes on your account that could be costing you a lot of money. If there is a payment that you did not make then you could be charged a fee, and there is also a chance that you card has been copied. Checking your statements against all your purchases each month is imperative.
Paying too much
Many people are too lazy to shop around or to question the fees that they pay each month on their accounts. If you look at the fees you pay you might find that you are paying far too much. If this is the case then it is time to shop around for a better deal, because you could save yourself a lot of money each year just by not paying expensive banking fees.
Leaving paper around
When you look at...