Credit cards are an almost essential part of many people’s lives, because they allow you to increase your cash flow and have more financial freedom. However, if you use credit cards too much or in the wrong way you can be stung with large credit card fees and penalties. Avoiding these fees will help you to cut the costs of using a credit card and get the most out of its benefits. If you want to know how to avoid these credit card fees then this article can help you do just that.
Grace periods
A grace period is the time you have to pay off your credit card debt before you start paying interest. Although many cards used to have good grace periods, these are reducing and some have none at all. This means you will start accruing interest from the moment that you make a purchase. If your card does have a grace period, then the best way to avoid extra interest charges is to pay off the balance in full before the end of each grace period. This will mean you can use your credit card without having to pay interest.
Late fees
One of the most expensive fees you might have to pay is for late payment. Although you might not think this will apply to you, it...