Seeing people buying food or shopping clothes using credit cards has been commonplace these days. The phrase “Charge it!-> has become a favorite expression of card users, and has been commonly heard in shops, dining places, and elsewhere.
After all, who does not want to use these credit cards? Easy to use, these sleekly-designed cards can be used to buy practically everything in commercial establishments regardless of how much (or less) money does one carry money in his wallet. Short of cash and hungry? No grocery supplies? Going to a party but no money to buy that dress you’ve been drooling for? No problem! Your good ol’ credit can care of that for you. No worries.
Credit Cards: Not Free Money
But wait. A credit card spree may be fun, but that doesn’t free you from responsibilities in paying the expenses you incurred from using your credit card. Credit cards, after all, are interest loans in disguise. Typical credit cards ask for a number of charges, including:
-> A finance charge, which is an interest charge for the unpaid portion of your monthly bill;
-> An annual membership fee;
-> Or if you’re...