Although it is in your best interest to purchase a used car as opposed to saddling yourself with the huge monthly payment and insurance rates inherent in buying a new car, there are certain things one must consider when taking the plunge. You have to consider what has happened to the car during its lifetime with its previous owner or owners, as the case may be. You probably already know that you should beware of a damaged axle in the case of a collision, for instance. What you may not be accustomed to thinking about, however, is the possibility that the car may have been in a flood.
If you are wondering what the big deal is about floods and cars meeting up, just consider what it would be like for 10 feet of water to make its way into your house. For one thing, your upholstery is going to be ruined. Because it is very difficult to get all the water out of something like a couch (or the front seat of a car), the upholstery may suffer from long-term moisture, which will lead to mold. In the case of cloth upholstery especially, soaking may damage the shape or the overall quality of the materials. Dye may even run.
Think about how being drowned will affect your...