How To Be A Freelancer In Demand: Become A Busy Clients Best Friend
The best clients are the busy clients. Why? Because they’re the ones with successful businesses, so they have enough money to pay you. They’re also the ones who are busy enough that they really need you. And theyre the ones who are likely to have ongoing work for you.
Theyre also the ones who are the easiest to keep because you know exactly what you need to do to keep them. Its simple just make their life easier and save them as much time as possible and theyll come back.
It may seem like a simple thing, but it will make a big difference to clients. I know because I’ve spoken to hundreds of clients and have constantly been told how busy they are.
Here’s what three clients had to say.
The Best Freelancer Emma, Editor
The difference between the freelancer I never call again and the freelancer I call on month after month has nothing to do with writing skill. The difference is that the great freelancer gets done exactly what I need done without any hassle. If I can give her the job, forget about it, and know itll get done right, it will always...