A battle is won when a leader is successful. We can find a large number of examples in World history. Today we can also see that the statement is quite true. There will never be a result if the lead is taken by a weak personality who doesnt know the meaning of the word leadership. Nowadays people elect their leaders considering their qualities and thinking about the result of their choice. People usually prefer a strong-willed, intelligent, active, ambitious person to be their leader and perform different duties. There is no other way to show these traits but to express them orally or on the paper to be forwarded to voters. Once being elected you must know how to express the point of view of others and to represent their interests properly. To do the above-mentioned you have to be a nice orator and easily hold the attention of a crowd. To be a good leader you are to be politically literate. There is nothing in this life that could do without politics and this is a well-known fact. Becoming a part of the governmental system you are to represent the ideas of those who had voted for you. To be successful in this field you are to be rather persuasive and very industrious in proving...
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