Ever notice how some people have a certain energy about them that naturally attracts success. What is their magic secret? Who you are personally shows up in your sales approach. It’s a big mistake to think that you can fool people when you are not coming for the right place. It’s the subtle subconscious clues that you send your prospect that can make or break your sale.
Let’s face it – People buy from people they trust. People trust people who are like them. The more you behave like your prospect the more they will trust you. This is the core of relationships.
Much research has been done on the determining factors of creating rapport with prospects. It’s not what you say that counts, it’s how you say it. These are the three components in communication for developing rapport. Words, Voice qualities and Physiology. These three elements equal 100%. What’s your best guess on the breakdown?
Your words are only 7% of your communication. Your voice qualities are 38% and your physiology is 55%. That means that what you say is the least significant. How you say it and how your carry your body are the most important factors...