Some people just seem to naturally know how to be confident in any given situation. Lets face it; learning how to be more confident can seem like a daunting task.
However, if you want to have the courage to go after your dreams, you owe it to yourself to learn the secrets to being a more confident person.
1. Think yourself confident.
There is a part of your mind that can work wonders in changing your life. Its your subconscious mind. The remarkable thing about this part of your mind is that it doesnt know the difference between something that youve imagined and something real.
If you spend time vividly imagining a goal, a hope or a dream, the subconscious accepts that that goal or hope or dream is yours. Then, instead of trying to talk you out of it, it literally sets out to make the blueprint a reality.
2. Write it down.
The subconscious also doesnt know the difference between something you write that is only a dream or if it is a reality. So write things in the present tense. Get in the habit of seeing things from the end.
In other words, see yourself as someone who knows how to be confident in any situation. If you picture...