How To Be The One That Got Away In “Phishing” Attacks. Phishing is on the rise.
Every dad worth his weight in salmon eggs and shiny lures has at least one great fishing story-usually about the great catch that got away. Unfortunately, too few dads have stories about how they avoided getting caught in a different kind of fishing caper-the online variety known as “phishing.”
Phishing attacks are perpetrated by criminals using fake Web sites and other tactics to trick people into sharing personal information online. These scams are helping fuel the nationwide escalation in identity theft. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the number of phishing sites reported each month more than quadrupled, from 2,854 sites in April 2005 to 11,976 in May 2006.
“People can avoid phishing attacks by learning the telltale signs of these scams and using phish-fighting technology,” said John Scarrow of Microsoft Corp., which offers free technology to help protect people from phishing e-mail and Web sites.
The Microsoft Phishing Filter alerts people to and blocks known or suspected phishing sites. Already available for no...