A UK energy inspector must take a series of lectures, workshops and hands-on training to pass the testing and earn the diploma as domestic energy assessor.
For those who have not had any practical training as an energy inspector, one of the course packages offered by the NHER sets aside the classroom lecture method and involves one day of workshops broken up into small groups and one day of home energy assessment visits.
No more than 15 can participate in these energy courses, as the workshops must be interactive for all. The emphasis here will be the survey of actual homes, the use of the real EPC software and the production of actual Energy Performance Certificates.
What the novice energy inspector will learn is an understanding of the various government-regulated RDSAP conventions, and the how-tos of measuring and recording property dimensions with accuracy.
The candidates will also learn how to identify residential construction elements correctly and to record their descriptions. As an energy inspector theyll need to be able to identify and to record the safety and health risks of each property, to and by the occupants.
This course will...