Yoga is often praised in the mass media as the new fitness-craze promising weight loss, and increased strength and flexibility. However, when one sees a yoga practitioner curled up in a seemingly impossible pose, the natural tendency is to think: Well this person has been practicing for years, how can Yoga help me lose the weight now?
Through the acclaimed Sun Salutations, thats how.
What are they?
These exercises are a combination of Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises, Sun Bathing and Prayer. They have been practiced for centuries by Yoga Practitioners in India, Martial Artists and African Wrestlers and as a system to rejuvenate the body and soul are beyond compare. Its been said in the Drugless Healing circles that one round of the Sun Salutations is much better than a week of exercises at the gym!
They are very simple to learn and just about anyone, regardless of their fitness or flexibility levels can learn these simple exercises. In actuality, if you are familiar with burpies (the calisthenics exercise), they do derive their origin from the Sun Salutations.
Here are some of their benefits:
-They alleviate disorders of the skin and...