If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from panic attacks, you will know that there are a wide variety of symptoms. All of them are distressing and can have a negative impact on how you live your life, maybe even causing you to be constantly worried about when your next panic attack will arrive.
By learning to control how you breathe, you can make a vast difference to your panic attacks and, given time and practice, you may even be able to stop them dead in their tracks.
Initially, it may not be easy to breathe into your panic attack. It is worth practicing these breathing exercises so that they will become a natural reaction for you.
Breathing exercises are a simple yet effective way to deal with your panic attacks.
Learning to breathe from the diaphragm
You need to learn how to breathe from your diaphragm. Once you’ve learned this method, you’ll find that it becomes second nature. Initially it may seem a slightly odd way to breathe. Stick with it and you’ll see some positive results quite fast.
Breathing from the diaphragm is actually the most natural method of breathing. You used it as a baby but, over time, you...