This is the way that Network General (the creator of Sniffer ) has deployed Distributed Sniffer since the beginning. While the product that you are using may be from another or Open-Source vendor,( i.e. Ethereal / WireShark ), this process is time honored and as such, is considered to be Best Practice.
This design is meant to assure that the NIC that is listening to the Monitor is not sending any packets itself. The Monitor Card should have no protocols bound to itself and listens in promiscuous mode. Additionally, the PC should be as passive as possible and not phoning home to vendors because of unnecessary software it has loaded.
One process is to take a companys standard laptop and customize it by removing anything that is not needed to support the role of a Protocol Analyzer. Any software that is not part of the laptops OS requirements should be un-installed. Once the laptop has been stripped down this way, load the Open Source Protocol Analyzer of your choice and test it.
Once testing is satisfactorily completed, save an Image of the laptop to be used to generate other Open Source Laptop Protocol Analyzers.
System Requirements:
Pentium 4...